LEGO Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle (SPV)

The Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle is probably the most widely recognised vehicle from Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons and also presents a number of significant challenges for your average LEGO MOC builder. Its colouring, shape, and function are all thoroughly complicated and I don’t mind telling you that it took a number of attempts to get to this finished version.

Spectrum HQ Cloudbase – LEGO MOC

One day I was surveying my collection of Gerry Anderson themed LEGO models and I realised that I had yet to build anything from Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons. I love the sleek design of the vehicles from Captain Scarlet, but they don’t necessarily lend themselves easily to the more blocky look of LEGO without the use of specialised parts. A better builder than I with a more expansive parts inventory would probably make an easy job of building a LEGO Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle or a Spectrum Passenger Jet, but each vehicle presents a unique challenge either because of its shape or its colour.

Ep 5 – Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons

It’s time for Jack and Katherine to face the wrath of the Mysterons once again! Playing her Thunderbird 1 lifeline, Katherine selects the first episode of the original Captain Scarlet series to sit down and watch. How will it compare to the CGI remake that Jack and Katherine enjoyed a few weeks previously?