LEGO Zero-X MOC (Thunderbirds Are Go)

There’s something about Zero-X which lends itself to the medium of LEGO. The blocky and modular nature of the design make it a match made in heaven. But don’t let that fool you into thinking this was an easy feat to pull off. I’ve been wanting to tackle Zero-X in LEGO for a long time, and it’s been my most requested build on Twitter and Facebook, but it took a lot of careful design work to make it a reality.

Spectrum HQ Cloudbase – LEGO MOC

One day I was surveying my collection of Gerry Anderson themed LEGO models and I realised that I had yet to build anything from Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons. I love the sleek design of the vehicles from Captain Scarlet, but they don’t necessarily lend themselves easily to the more blocky look of LEGO without the use of specialised parts. A better builder than I with a more expansive parts inventory would probably make an easy job of building a LEGO Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle or a Spectrum Passenger Jet, but each vehicle presents a unique challenge either because of its shape or its colour.

Dick Spanner P.I. – LEGO MOC

Terry Adlam’s mechanical private eye, Dick Spanner, was brought to life by Gerry Anderson’s team at Bray Studios in 1986 using stop motion animation. LEGO and stop motion animation have a long history, and Dick Spanner P.I. is an absolute cracker of a series full of tongue-in-cheek humour, so I thought it was about time I captured the character in LEGO form.